The B Corp Resource Library

Select one or more

Less than USD $100M in revenue
USD $100M+ in annual revenue & complex companies
A legal status that allows companies to protect their mission for the longterm. In certain cases, this is a certification requirement.

Certification & Standards

Legal Requirement

Benefit Corporation

A benefit corporation is a legal tool to create a solid foundation for long term mission alignment and value creation.

Certification & Standards

Getting Started

Ensure your company is ready for B Corp Certification by downloading our B Corp Certification Readiness Resources.

Certification & Standards

Getting Started

If your company has been operating fewer than 12 months, please refer to our Pending B page.

Certification & Standards

Getting Started

This video overview explains the three fundamental requirements for certification.

Certification & Standards

Small-to-Medium Enterprise

An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Certified B Corporations and Benefit Corporations.

Certification & Standards

A knowledge base is a repository of helpful information that users can navigate to find answers to commonly asked questions relating to a product or concept, by themselves.