B Corp Leadership Development

About BLDs Events:

BLDs (B Corp Leadership Development) are conferences organized by B Local Community leaders to strengthen and support the local B Corp movement. BLD events provide an avenue for employees of Certified B Corps and others interested in the movement to network, collaborate, and share best practices for strong business and maximum positive impact.

BLDs are sponsored by B Local Communities. Find out if there’s a B Local community near you!

Are you affiliated with a B Local community and want to host a BLD conference? Please email b-local@bcorporation.net and we’ll get you an application. 

Upcoming BLD Events

Past BLD Events

  • BLD Bay Area (2016- 2020)

  • BLD Midwest (2022)

  • BLD Mountain West (2018-2019, 2021-2023)

  • BLD New England (2017-2018, 2020-2022)

  • BLD NYC (2015)

  • BLD Ontario (2017, 2019-2020)

  • BLD Southeast (2020, 2022-2023)

  • BLD Canada (2017, 2020-2023)

  • BLD Pacific Northwest (2017-2023)

  • BLD Michigan (2023)

Article Round Up

  • Building an Inclusive Economy and Stronger B Corp Community

  • B Corps Address Voter Suppression in 2020 and What to Remember When Taking Action
