Our statement on the Buffalo, NY Shooting

The mass shootings of the last two weeks have resurfaced the devastating consequences when those in power refuse to enact meaningful policy change to protect the lives of the vulnerable. We must do better.
The hate crime in Buffalo, NY targeted directly at Black people that claimed the lives of 10 people and injured three others was not an isolated incident. It was a predictable product of deep-seated racism in American culture. Black, Latinx, Asian, and Indigenous people are continually targeted and terrorized, and with every new attack comes exhaustion and fresh trauma.
At B Lab U.S. & Canada, our commitment to advancing racial equity policies means doing the work and engaging business leaders to dismantle unjust policies and practices. We must come together to end racist violence in all forms and foster racial equity. We are committed to showing up as imperfect partners and embracing this work with vulnerability, bravery, humility, and compassion.
We urge business leaders to use all resources at their disposal to address the ever worsening crisis of mass attacks. Here are a few places to start:
Support local survivor funds such as:
- The Buffalo Survivors Fund which is sending 100% of contributions directly to victims and survivors.
- Buffalo Together which is working to address immediate community needs, long-term rebuilding and institutional changes.
- The Texas Elementary School Shooting Relief assembled by GoFundMe.
- Look to those advocating for policy change like the NAACP, who just issued a proposal addressing the systemic issues that contribute to domestic terror attacks, with specific recommendations for gun violence prevention.
- Support Black, Latinx, Asian, and Indigenous employees, who may be experiencing physical, mental, and emotional pain after a racially traumatizing incident.
- Educate yourself on the delusion of white supremacy and the ways it operates in society — both subtly and overtly. Commit to anti-racism and model it throughout your organization.
- Support and advocate for the teaching of history of racial equity and justice in schools and workplaces. Push back against policy moves that limit teaching about the history of racial injustice.