Resource Library
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Find everything you need to guide your company’s impact improvement journey. Prepare for certification, dig deeper into B Impact Assessment topics, and learn how to go beyond profit.
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Certified B Corporations
Certification & Standards
66 total resources
Learn how to become a B Corp, how the B Impact Assessment works, and how to recertify.
Leverage Your Certification
3 total resources
Make the most of your certification! Join the B Hive or a B Network, and learn how to use the B Corp brand.
Deepen Your Company's Impact
Climate Justice
15 total resources
Help your business find ways to address the climate crisis through justice and equity-centered solutions.
6 total resources
Learn more about how your business can advocate for structural changes that move us closer to a stakeholder-driven, racially equitable, and climate-just future.
Racial Equity
15 total resources
Learn how your business can be impactful in dismantling racist structures and systems and advancing a more equitable society, especially for marginalized communities.
Protect Your Mission, Long-Term
Benefit Corporation
6 total resources
What’s the difference between a Certified B Corporation and the benefit corporation legal status?