Anti-Racism Resources

We recognize that it is not enough to be quietly non-racist — we have a responsibility to become vocal, visible anti-racist leaders in our businesses and communities. The team at B Lab U.S. & Canada has compiled ways to step up in your organization and as an individual. If you’d like to submit a resource to be considered for this page, please fill out our submission form.


Ways Your Company Can Get Involved

What You Can Do As An Individual

Black Owned Toronto

A resource to shop Black-owned businesses in the Toronto, ON area.

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Black and Mobile

Support Black-owned restaurants. Every order helps restaurants grow, keeps drivers employed, and allows the dollar to circulate in the Black Community.

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Black Dollar NC

An online directory of Black-owned or operated businesses - with a focus on those located in the state of North Carolina.

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National Bail Out Collective

The National Bail Out Collective is Black-led and Black-centered collective of abolitionist organizers, lawyers and activists building a community-based movement to support our folks and end systems of pretrial detention and ultimately mass incarceration.
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Freedom Fund

LGBTQ Freedom Fund pays bail to secure the safety and liberty of individuals in immigration facilities in every U.S. state and pretrial detention in Florida.

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The Bail Project

The Bail Project combats mass incarceration by disrupting the money bail system—one person at a time.

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Bailout Master Payments to Multiple Funds

Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers.

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Justice for D’Andre Campbell

A petition to seek justice for D’Andre Campbell in Canada.

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Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet

Ways to help get justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet and her family.

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Know Your Rights Camp

The Know Your Rights Camp Legal Defense Initiative has identified and teamed up with top lawyers nationwide to provide legal resources for those in need.

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About Anti-Racism Resources

Compiled by the Team at B Lab U.S. & Canada. While we are not experts, we want to uplift the voices of those who are.

We cannot credibly build an inclusive economic system without addressing the fundamental injustice, inequity and violence that disproportionately impact Black people and other People of Color.

As a community of responsible business leaders, we must get to work to move beyond rhetoric and take meaningful action against racism.

For more information about what we’re doing, you can read B Lab’s statement on anti-racism by Dr. Ellonda L. Williams, B Lab’s Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and the 2021 update.