Anti-Racism Resources

We recognize that it is not enough to be quietly non-racist — we have a responsibility to become vocal, visible anti-racist leaders in our businesses and communities. The team at B Lab U.S. & Canada has compiled ways to step up in your organization and as an individual. If you’d like to submit a resource to be considered for this page, please fill out our submission form.


Ways Your Company Can Get Involved

What You Can Do As An Individual

How companies can pull up for Black employees during a race crisis

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Taking Steps to Eliminate Racism in the Workplace

By Arlene Hirsch in SHRM. Taking Steps to Eliminate Racism in the Workplace.

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Toward a Racially Just Workplace

Harvard Business Review. Diversity efforts are failing Black employees. Here’s a better approach. By Laura Morgan Roberts and Anthony J. Mayo.

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U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism

by Laura Morgan Roberts and Ella F. Washington. Millions of Black people and their allies are hurting, and today’s challenges reach far beyond marginalization in the workplace.

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Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race

Resource Roundup by Katrina Michie.

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White Supremacy Culture by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun

A list of characteristics of white supremacy culture which show up in organizations. Culture is powerful precisely because it is so present and at the same time so very difficult to name or identify.

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The Story of Africville from the Canadian Museum for Human Rights

By Matthew McRae. If you’ve never heard of Africville, you’re not alone; the tragic story of this small Black community in Nova Scotia is not as well known as it should be.

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Path to Reconciliation from the Edmonton Public Library

Miranda Jimmy's picks to encourage learning 5 years from the TRC's release.

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In Conversation: Desmond Cole and Téa Mutonji

The two writers on media representation, anti-Black violence, and true liberation.

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She Geeks Out

She Geeks Out offers workshops that are designed to create a welcoming and safe space for learning, provide actionable strategies for moving the needle, and take the stigma out of bias.

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Change Catalyst

Cbange Catalyst drives diversity and inclusion solutions globally and have worked with hundreds of Fortune 500 companies, startups, and venture capital firms over the years.

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About Anti-Racism Resources

Compiled by the Team at B Lab U.S. & Canada. While we are not experts, we want to uplift the voices of those who are.

We cannot credibly build an inclusive economic system without addressing the fundamental injustice, inequity and violence that disproportionately impact Black people and other People of Color.

As a community of responsible business leaders, we must get to work to move beyond rhetoric and take meaningful action against racism.

For more information about what we’re doing, you can read B Lab’s statement on anti-racism by Dr. Ellonda L. Williams, B Lab’s Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and the 2021 update.