B Lab U.S. & Canada Code of Ethics

B Lab U.S. & Canada is dedicated to making engagement fun, meaningful, safe and inclusive for everyone, regardless of gender identity or expression, age, sexual orientation, visible or hidden disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion or lack thereof, among other intersectional experiences and identities. Our community thrives on mutual respect; we will not tolerate harassment in any form. Likewise, discriminatory and/or sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any group affiliated with B Lab U.S. & Canada when used during talks, workshops, parties, or via online media.

As an organization, B Lab U.S. & Canada stands against all forms of racism and all forms of oppression including transphobia, classism, sexism, and xenophobia. We commit to a focused and sustained action to dismantle racist systems, policies, practices, and ideologies within ourselves and our networks. As we continue to learn about injustice, we embrace radical reorientation of our consciousness and will listen to the voices of Black, Brown, Indigenous, Asian and marginalized peoples to catalyze equitable outcomes for all.

B Lab U.S. & Canada will respond appropriately to any behaviors which do not align with values as outlined above in our code of ethics, up to and including investigating complaints and taking appropriate action. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please notify us at ethics@usca.bcorporation.net.

Community Guidelines

  • Lead with empathy — appreciate others as human beings with abundant experiences

  • Get comfortable with discomfort — stretch yourself

  • Value diverse perspectives — honor the unique experiences each of us brings, even and especially if it is different from your own

  • Stay judgment free — of others and of yourself

  • Advocate for your emotional wellbeing — take care of yourself

  • Move up, move back — move up to share your perspective and move back to listen to others' contributions

  • Practice radical inclusion — inclusion is everyone’s job; be a good ally to everyone: ask, assess, and assist

Complaints Process

If you would like to submit a complaint related to our B Corp standards, please see here for B Lab Global’s complaints process.